Management Summary for our partners in a nutshell. You can find detailed information on the page BE A PARTNER.

  • Our marketplace is an online shop with many vendors, similar to Amazon, only smaller and clearer. Any person or company is welcome as long as it is for a good cause.
  • We broker art, gifts, products and services from Germany, Europe and the world.
  • The sale is not paid here. The order with all relevant data is automatically sent to our partner by email.
  • The vendors – after here called partners – contact the buyer. They handle the order according to their standardized process.
  • Each partner has their own backend in which they can manage themselves and their items. There he sets a percentage for each offer, which is later donated.
  • Depending on the agreement, we invoice our partners once or twice a year based on the offers sold/brokered. Notice, we don’t ride principles. Everyone gives as much as they want.
  • When enough money has been raised, the amount will be donated to a good cause. See our current projects. The donation receipts are displayed on this website and thus made publicly available. In this way, all buyers and sellers can be sure that the money will arrive.
  • Please also note the advantages and added value that our partners have.

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